In the highest part of the village, on the rock of the mountain and under the previous Arab mosque, in 1329 was built the church of la Font d'en Carròs, in gothic style and dedicated to Sant Antoní Màrtir.

For your construction were used muslim techniques and tile tiles were used because it was easier and cheaper.

Between centuries XVII and XVIII, this church had his first widening, opening the lateral walls. Then, Renaissance style side chapels were built with their respective domes.

In 1792, the bell tower was erected, a square plant with a base of 5'25 meters in width and a height of 45 meters. This is a reference element, which defines the profile of the population as a vertical structure that is located at the highest point of the town and can be appreciated from a distance.

In 1890, a reform was carried out, demolishing the house abbey, for the construction of the chapel of el Santíssim Crist de l'Empar. With this reform all primitive old Gothic air was lost. Also moved the chapel of la Mare de Déu del Remei and the tombs in the present place.

As mentioned before, in the church are deposited the two sepulchral glasses of the fourteenth century belonging to the family Carròs (lords of la Baronía de Rebollet), who, in 1747, a neighbor of the municipality found casually among the ruins of el Castell de Rebollet. These are the tombs of Francesc Carròs († 1343 in Cerdanya) located on the left side and Francesc Carròs son, on the right side. The sepulchers, engraved with inscriptions and shields of the family, were deposited in the church by order of the Duchess of Gandia.

Originally, in this spacious chapel, dedicated to la Mare de Déu del Remei, a lowered image of the castle was deposited (disappeared in the civil war). This chapel occupied the place that today is the main door. Today, we can still appreciate the riches of the baroque dome on the roof of the present heart which adorned the chapel of the patron saint of the town. In the chapel of el Santíssim Crist de l'Empar, in neoclassical style as it was at the end of the 19th century, there are some very interesting frescoes on the shells, by Remigi Soler (1930). In addition, there are four canvases of the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. The chapel is presided over by the image of the Christ, made in 1946 by the Valencian sculptor Josep Maria Ponsoda.

It is a copy of the old carving that was burned during the civil war. The original size had been gift of the archbishop Joan de Ribera in compensation for the loss of l'imatge de la Mare de Déu de Rebollet and as solution of the conflict of 1601. At the entrance of the temple, there are two paintings given in 1966 by the local painter Rafael Fuster Insa: Transfiguració del Senyor and opposite Resurrecció del Senyor.

Finally, in 1986, began the construction of the plastering of the walls of the nave and exposed the arches pointed brick and vaults of gothic “crucería” that we can now see. These works were completed in 1992.

In addition, between the years 2001 and 2002 a rehabilitation of the tower of the bell tower was realized with a mural decoration, which, consolidates the structure of the building. Finally, in the year 2015, a series of reforms were carried out, consisting of an enlargement of the parish museum, change in the pavement, the altar and the painting of the church on a general level.

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